Environmental measurement and analysis
Environmental measurement and analysis
A safe environment is essential for the health of all. At Taiheiyo Consultant, we use a variety of environmental analyses to help ensure an always safe and secure environment.
-Environmental analysis testing items-
- ● Exhaust gas measurement
- ● Water quality measurement
- ● Soil survey
- ● Noise and vibration measurement
- ● Working environment assessment
- ● Smells and odors measurement
- ● Waste matter survey
- ● Asbestos analysis, measurement and building diagnosis
- ● Sick house assessment
- ● Dioxin measurement and analysis
- Exhaust gas measurement
- Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer
Materials analysis
Through the analysis and evaluation of organic and inorganic materials, including an analysis of the raw fuel received from cement factories, we aim to contribute to the realization of a zero-waste society.
- ◆ Chemical composition analysis and evaluation
- ◆ Organic matter analysis and cause of odor survey
- ◆ Trace PCB analysis and hexavalent chromium elution testing
- ◆ Soil survey and soil analysis
- ◆ Analysis of carbides, nitrides, and other ceramic materials
- ◆ Cement and admixture quality testing
- ◆ Analysis of raw fuel and other recyclable resources received from factories
- Trace element analysis